あかぎ 祝紅白花結金封 キ5(50セット) 特徴: 一般御祝用紅白七本花結金封 商品仕様: ◆金額の目安:~位迄・中袋付き◆用途:婚礼以外の御祝◆表書:御礼・寸志・松の葉・御祝儀・内祝・御祝・御餞別・御入学祝・御新築祝・目録にも使用可能 ◆材質:奉書紙 General for his celebrated white seven flowers result gold seal ◆ stated: 30000 ~ up to 50000 Yen in bags with ◆ uses: other than the wedding congratulation ◆ coversheet: thank you Yasushi pine leaves your gratuity family and congratulation your Bon voyage and celebrated your entrance and your celebration and inventory can also be used Thick Japanese paper paper
General for his celebrated white seven flowers result gold seal
◆ stated: 30000 ~ up to 50000 Yen in bags with ◆ uses: other than the wedding congratulation ◆ coversheet: thank you Yasushi pine leaves your gratuity family and congratulation your Bon voyage and celebrated your entrance and your celebration and inventory can also be used
Thick Japanese paper paper