Komikaze webzine #66 – Kratak & vruć / Short & hot

Novo Komikaze strip izdanje je vani! Hvala svima na sudjelovanju! / New Komikaze comics issue is out! Thanks to all for the participation!


STRIP WEBZINE KOMIKAZE BR. 66: CLICK CLICK > https://komikaze.hr/issue/66 / INFO: https://komikaze.hr/strip-webzine-66/


Kratak & vruć dvojezični Komikaze webzine br. 66 donosi 12 autora_ica art, alternativnog i autorskog stripa. 7 strip autora_ica je novo u Komikaze mreži. Autori_ce su iz Hrvatske, Francuske, Bosne, Srbije, Italije, Urugvaja, Turske i Švicarske. / Short & hot bilingual Komikaze webzine no. 66 brings 12 authors of the art, alternative and authorial comics. 7 comics authors are new in the Komikaze network. Authors are from Croatia, France, Italy, Bosnia, Serbia, Uruguay, Turkey and Switzerland.


CLICK CLICK – STRIP AUTORI_CE / COMICS AUTHORSekin cifter / rainero / arinović / goran pećanac / marko marković / de meira théophile / cella anita celić / ferraglia / tribef tribe / nils bertho / könig lü.q. / ivana armanini

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-ekin-cifter/ 

Ekin Çifter (1996., Turska) diplomirala je na Sveučilištu likovnih umjetnosti Mimar Sinan (Fakultet za arhitekturu). Studirala je strip i ilustraciju na Odsjeku za primijenjenu umjetnost na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Bologni, Italija. / Ekin Çifter (b.1996, Turkey) graduated from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (Faculty of Architecture). She has studied Comics and Illustration within the Applied Arts Department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, Italy. 
Web: https://www.ekincifter.com / IG: https://www.instagram.com/ekincifter/

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-raniero-droz/ 

Raniero Droz je sada prestar i nestrpljiv da pobjegne od stvarnosti pušenjem trave, zato je odlučio crtati i živjeti u crtiću što više sati može. Ponekad kada je crtež dovoljno dobar, Raniero ga izdaje na svojoj radionici sitotiska pod nazivom L’Ordre Bizarre koju dijeli sa svojim bratom po otrovu Val L’Enclume, u sivom gradu Metzu, Francuska./ Raniero Droz is now too old and anxious to escape reality by smoking weed, that’s why he decided to draw to live in a cartoon as many hours as he can. Sometimes when the drawing is good enough, Raniero makes an edition of it in his Silkscreen workshop called L’Ordre Bizarre which he shares with his venom brother Val L’Enclume in the grey town of Metz, France. 
IG: https://www.instagram.com/raniero_droz/

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-cella-anita-celic/

Cella – Anita Celić je rođena u Šibeniku, malom gradu na jadranskoj obali. Diplomirala je na Akademiji Likovnih Umjetnosti u Zagrebu gdje sada živi i radi. Bavi se ilustracijom, dizajnom, fotografijom i scenografijom. Njezini radovi mogu se pronaći i pod imenom Cella & Wolves. / Cella – Anita Celić was born in Šibenik, a small town on the Adriatic Coast. Graduated from The Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, where she now lives and works. She is doing illustration, design, photography and scenography. You can find her works also under the name Cella & Wolves. 
Cella&Wolves / Cella Anita Celic / IG: instagram.com/cellaanitacelic/

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-goran-pecanac/

Goran Pećanac (1981., Bosna) je akademski slikar i umjetnički direktor marketinške firme. Pisao je muzičku kritiku i imao je kolumnu o borilačkim sportovima. Izdaje fanzine. Godine 2023. godine objavio je prvu knjigu “Kapitalizam i smrt” u kojoj propituje društvene praznine kapitalizma uz pomoć psihoanalitičkih teorija. Živi, radi i trenira u Zagrebu. / Goran Pećanac (1981, Bosnia) is an academic painter and art director of a marketing company. He wrote music criticism and had a column about martial arts. He publishes fanzines. In 2023, he published his first book, “Capitalism and Death”, in which he questions the social gaps of capitalism with the help of psychoanalytic theories. He lives, works and trains in Zagreb. IG: https://www.instagram.com/traumaxglave/

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-marko-markovic/

Marko Marković (1983., Hrvatska) Diplomirao je slikarstvo na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Splitu i magistrirao na Odsjeku za umjetnost i znanost Akademije primijenjenih umjetnosti u Beču. Radi u različitim medijima s fokusom na izvedbenim umjetnostima, kritički promišljajući političke i društvene strukture. Prepoznat je kao performer koji istražuje granice vlastite izdržljivosti i jedan je od najradikalnijih izvođača na hrvatskoj umjetničkoj sceni. Marko se bavi pitanjima identiteta i tijela kao instrumenta izražavanja i eksperimentiranja. U svoj rad često uključuje publiku i surađuje s ljudima iz različitih društvenih i profesionalnih sredina. Angažiran je također kao kustos i organizator raznih kulturno-umjetničkih projekata. Njegov rad je, među ostalima, predstavljao Hrvatsku na Venecijanskom arhitektonskom bijenalu 2016. / Marko Marković (1983, Croatia) Graduated as a painter at the Art Academy in Split, Croatia with MA at Art and Science department of Academy of Applied Arts Vienna. Working in different media with a focus on performing arts, Marko critically reflects on political and social structures in his work. He is recognized as a performance artist who is exploring the boundaries of his own endurance and is one of the most radical performers on the Croatian art scene. Marko deals with identity issues and the body as an instrument of expression and experimentation. He often includes audiences in his work and collaborates with people from different social and professional backgrounds. Marko is also the curator and organizer of various cultural-artistic projects. His work, among others, has represented Croatia at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016. 
Web: herr__marko_markovic / IG: https://www.instagram.com/marko.markvic/

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-arinovic/

Arinović – Agustina Arrillaga Vodanovich (1997., Urugvaj). Trenutno se nalazi u Zagrebu, Hrvatska. Filmski je redatelj i vizualna umjetnica koja uglavnom radi analognim tehnikama. Diplomirala je tehnički audiovizualni studij i bivši je student arhivistike. Imala je filmske projekcije i nastupe u Hrvatskoj, Italiji, Meksiku, Peruu, Španjolskoj, Urugvaju i SAD-u. / Arinović – Agustina Arrillaga Vodanovich (1997, Uruguay). Currently based in Zagreb, Croatia. Filmmaker and visual artist working mostly with analog techniques. Holds a Technical degree in Audiovisual studies and is a former student of Archival Science. Had film screenings and performances in Croatia, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Uruguay and the USA. 
Web: www.arinovic.com / IG: https://www.instagram.com/arin0vic/

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-de-meira-theophile/

De Meira Théophile je francuski umjetnik koji živi u Strasbourgu. Njegov rad uglavnom je pod utjecajem nadrealizma i underground stripa. Koristi linorez za tisak ilustracija i uređivanje stripova. / De Meira Théophile is a French artist living in Strasbourg. His work is mainly influenced by surrealism and underground comics. He uses linocut to print illustrations and edit comics. 
WIX: thartwrk.wixsite.com/th-artwork IG: https://www.instagram.com/theophile.demeira/

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-ferraglia/ 

Federica Ferraro – Ferraglia (1996., Napulj, Italija) je pohađala Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Napulju i ALU u Bologni, gdje sada živi. Fokus: grafika, ilustracija, deformacija. / (1996, Naples, Italy) / She has attended Academy of fine arts in Naples and Academy of fine arts in Bologna, where she now lives. Focus: graphic art, illustration, deformation. 
FB: https://www.facebook.com/soloferraglia

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-tribef-tribe/

Tribef Tribe (Pleme F20) – Stripove je napravila anonimna grupa autora okupljena oko organizacije Tribef Tribe (Pleme F20) u Beogradu, Srbija. / The comics were made by an anonymous group of authors gathered around the organization Tribef Tribe (Tribe F20) in Belgrade, Serbia


CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-nils-bertho/ 

Nils Bertho (1987., Francuska) Fokus: crtanje, underground stripovi, punk, art brut, muzika, malo izdavaštvo, galerija le mat, …/ Nils Bertho (1987, France) Focus: drawing, underground comics, punk, raw art, music, small press, gallery le mat … 
Web: http://www.nilsbertho.com

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-konig-lu-q/

König lü. q. (1974., Švicarska) je strip umjetnik iz Basela koji kaže da je jedan od najgorih ilustratora na svijetu. Na svojim slikama uvijek iznova slika istu stvar; jedine su razlike u koloritu. Ali njegova drska duhovitost to nadoknađuje. Sve u svemu, Lü.Q. stvara svoj bizaran svemir očigledno se zabavljajući. / König lü. q. (1974, Switzerland) is a comic artist who lives in Basel, who says that he is one of the worst artists in the world. He always paints the same thing in his pictures, the only differences are in the coloring. But his cheeky wit makes up for everything. Overall, Lü.Q. creates his bizarre universe with obvious enjoyment.
Blog: lueq.wordpress.com

CLICK CLICK – https://komikaze.hr/issue_attachment/66-ivana-armanini/ 

Ivana Armanini je strip umjetnica i mikroizdavačica iz Zagreba, Hrvatska. Završila je Školu za primijenjenu umjetnost i dizajn i Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Vodi Komikaze od 2002. članica je hrvatske zajednice samostalnih umjetnika. Fokus: strip, DIY izdavaštvo / Ivana Armanini is a comic artist and micropublisher from Zagreb, Croatia. She studied at the School of the Applied Arts and Design and the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. She runs Komikaze since 2002 and is a member of the Croatian Freelance Artists association. Focus: comics, DIY publishing 

Web: ivanaarmanini.net  / IG: ivana_armanini 
program komikaze je podržan od ministarstva kulture i medija republike hrvatske i grada zagreba. / programme komikaze is supported by the ministry of culture and media of the republic croatia and the zagreb city.

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