Escape the city – Eco, art & sound gathering

18. August 2018. @ 09:00
Escape the city
Ulica Marana 1/a, 52215, Vodnjan

Hej bando!

Kroz posljednje tri godine naš kolektiv je izvaninstitucionalnim radom, baziranim na principima uradi-sam kulture organizirao veliki broj kulturnih događaja koji su kod vas imali izvrstan odaziv a samim time i dokazali kako se naš rad i trud cijeni. Osjećamo da je došao pravi trenutak kako bi podigli stvari na višu razinu, tako sa zajedničkim snagama organiziramo jedan ljetni family gathering u prelijepoj Istarskoj prirodi!
Udruga SUB movements, vodnjanski Ekomuzej, kolektiv Together we Grow i Čarobnjakov Šešir iz Pule s ponosom predstavljaju “Escape the City”

Ovaj događaj je baziran na svim našim principima djelovanja; spoj modernog i tradicionalnog, umjetnosti i prirode, društvene osviještenosti i zabave!

Escape the City je zamišljen kao jednodnevni program gdje će se predstaviti kombinacija tradicionalnih, lokalnih, rekreativnih, umjetničkih, zabavnih i glazbenih elemenata s ciljem stvaranja raznolike platforme koja počiva i polazi od snažnih ekoloških premisa i socijalno osviještenih odgovornih stavova.

Jedan od glavnih ciljeva ove manifestacije upravo je i umrežavanje udruga, organizacija i pojedinaca koji bi zajedničkim djelovanjem postigli izgradnju snažne zajednice utemeljene na solidarnosti, uzajamnosti i prijateljstvu.

Očekuje vas:
Mini market – predstavljanje i prodaja rukotvorina lokalnih umjetnika poput SteppaArta, Polite BastARTa, umjetnika iz Udruge HUIU te međunarodnih umjetnika iz Španjolske – NaturWeara i Freemind Artwear

Niz edukativnih i rekreativnih radionica udruge Together we Grow poput hodanja po slack lineu, penjanja po svili i žongliranja

Cirkuske predstave Udruge Čarobnjakov Šešir, te neizostavni glazbeni program:

Digitron soundsystem
Rockers Dub Master soundsystem
Munchies soundsystem
Homegrown Sound
Jinxie Grooves
Teddy Lee
PulaP Reggae Station.

Važno je napomenuti da je Escape the City organiziran na temelju D.I.Y. ili Uradi Sam filozofije, čime želimo poručiti kako je ovaj festival pokaz kontrakulture i prikaz jednog načina života kakav on može biti ako se potrudimo. To također znači da je sve financirano isključivo iz strane nas kao organizatora, i potpuno neovisan od korporacija u ulogama sponzora. 

Prostor dekorira neizostavljiv Theco.


Hey gang!

Throughout the last three years, our collective has, through non-institutional work, based on the principles of D.I.Y. culture, organized a large number of cultural events that had an excellent response with you and therefore proved that our work and effort are appreciated and recognized. We feel that the right time has come to take things to a “higher level”, so with a joint effort, we organize a summer family gathering in the beautiful Istrian nature!
The organization SUB movements, the Ecomuseum of Vodnjan, the collective Together we Grow and Čarobnjakov Šešir from Pula proudly present “Escape the City”

This event is based on all of our principles that we hold dear; a blend of modern and traditional, art and nature, social awareness and fun!

Escape the City is conceived as a one-day program where a combination of traditional, local, recreational, art, entertainment and music elements will be presented with the aim of creating a diverse platform that has its foundations on a strong ecological premise and socially responsive attitudes.

One of the main goals of this event is the networking of associations, organizations, and individuals who would jointly develop a strong community based on solidarity, mutuality, and friendship.

Some of the activities and interesting points on the festival include: 
The Mini Market – presenting and selling handicrafts by local artists like SteppaArt, Polite BastART, artists from the HUIU Association and international artists from Spain – NaturWear and Freemind Artwear

A series of educational and recreational workshops from the Association Together we Grow , like slacklining, aerial silk and juggling

The circus performances of the Association Čarobnjakov Šešir, and the indispensable musical program:

Digitron Soundsystem
Rockers Dub Master Soundsystem
Munchies Soundsystem
Homegrown Sound
Jinxie Grooves
Teddy Lee
PulaP Reggae Station.

It is important to note that Escape the City is organized on the basis of D.I.Y. or Do It Yourself Philosophy, so we want to make a stand that this festival is a showcase of counterculture and displaying a way of life as it may be if we all put our best into it. This also means that everything is funded exclusively by us as organizers and that the festival is completely independent of any corporations in the roles of sponsors. 

The space is decorated by our unmistakable Theco.

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